The Weigall Sports Ground was first purchased by Sydney Grammar School in 1907 using money raised by its alumni association.
Named after former headmaster Albert Bythesea Weigall, the grounds have been enjoyed by students for more than 110 years, providing recreational facilities to complement their academic and performance education.
Now Sydney Grammar is in the process of designing a new and innovative sports facility to be built at the southern end of the site.
Concept plans for the Weigall Sports Complex include demolition of the small pavilion and tennis courts at the southern end of the site and construction of a new 3 to 4 storey building accommodating a 25m swimming pool, multipurpose hall and other flexible spaces. Sydney Grammar is also investigating opportunities for community use of the Weigall Sports Complex.
The project is in its early stages of design. A request was lodged with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) late last year and the requirements were issued in February 2020.
The SEARs set out the approvals that must be obtained, studies to be completed, design work and community and agency consultation that must be undertaken in preparing an Environmental Impact Statement for the project.
Project Objectives

A masterplan will provide context for the Weigall Sports Complex and utilisation of the wider site.

The Whole Child
Weigall Sports Complex would provide facilities to support Sydney Grammar’s belief that sport and exercise are essential to the healthy development of young people in conjunction with their broader academic and co-curricular education.

Consolidation of Facilities
Sydney Grammar’s sporting facilities are currently spread across Sydney. The Weigall Sports Complex would help consolidate locations to improve child protection, supervision and transport.

Minimal impact, maximum benefit
Weigall Sports Complex is to be designed and operated to minimise impacts on stakeholders and maximise community benefits.

An exemplar building
Weigall Sports Complex is to be an exemplar building of the highest architectural standards that is sympathetic to the landscape of the site and local community.
Community Engagement
Our comprehensive community engagement is being carried out between late February and late August 2020 to provide people with information about the project and ensure their feedback could be considered as part of the design process.
From March – May, due to the restrictions continuing to be placed on the community due to COVID19, the majority of this consultation was carried out online or via digital/virtual means. In early June when restrictions lifted, this enabled an increased level of face-to-face engagement activities.
Response to second consultation feedback
Feedback from the second round of consultation has helped shaped the final design as pictured below.
Feedback raised about the operation of the facility – including traffic impacts and community use – are also being considered and will be set out as part of the conditions of approval for the project.

Project Timeline
December 2019
Planning approval process begins.
February 2020
SEARs issued by Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
March 2020
Design options developed
April 2020
Initial community consultation.
April 2020
Design development of Preferred Option
June 2020
Community consultation on Preferred Option.
June & July 2020
Final Design Developed
August 2020
Final Design Consultation
Late August / Early September 2020
Proposal Submitted
Next Steps
Late last year a request was lodged with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment
Requirements (SEARs).
These requirements were issued in February 2020 and modified in May 2020 and set out the approvals that must be obtained, studies to be completed, design work and community and agency consultation that must be undertaken in preparing an Environmental Impact Statement for the project.
During the past few months, the project team has been carrying out these studies as well as consulting with the local community and other stakeholders to obtain feedback about the proposed development.
From April – June, due to the restrictions placed on the community from COVID19, the majority of this consultation was carried out online or via digital/virtual means. As restrictions have lifted in June and July, increased face-to-face engagement has been possible.
The feedback from this consultation process has been instrumental in developing the final designs which are on display today.
During the next few weeks, the project team will be finalising the State Significant Development Application and submitting it to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for assessment.
As part of DPIE’s assessment process, the full application and associated documentation will be placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days. Community members will be invited by the Department to make a submission during this time.
For more information about the Department’s SSDA assessment process, visit
Site Visualisations

Sports Complex Plans

Car Park Plans
The carpark will be for school use only through the year including Saturday sport between 7am to 3pm.
It will also open during pickup and drop off at the Edgecliff Prep School to enable cars to circulate within the carpark, which will reduce the current build up of traffic on local streets during this time.
Physical barriers, such as security gates, along with operational rules and procedures will also be used to ensure the car park is only for Sydney Grammar’s use.

Traffic and Parking
Number of spaces
- The number of parking spaces required for the Weigall Sports Complex has been determined based on the utilisation timetable developed by the school.
- This found the total number of spaces required is 97 in the Weigall Sports Complex Carpark and 5 additional spaces entering from Neild Avenue into the complex for accessibility parking and some staff.
- A drop-off facility is also provided off Neild Avenue, which will facilitate students arriving where their parent / carer does not stay as a spectator.
- All spaces will be for the school’s use only.
Hours of Operation – Alma Street
- The carpark will be used by parents and students on weekends for a total of 14 interschool matches on Saturdays in summer and winter.
- The hours of operation will be 7am to 4pm.
- There will also be some use for practice training during school holidays.
Improving the Preparatory School Drop Off and Pick Up
- One of the benefits of the new carpark will be the ability of the school to accommodate a traffic queue during the morning and afternoon pickup and drop off periods.
- Parents will either park or circulate until they are ready to pick up the students from the existing point on Alma St.
- This will enable local traffic, which is currently caught up with the school queue, to move freely through Lawson and Alma Streets alleviating congestion on surrounding streets.

Other drop off and pick up arrangements
Before school to the WSC
- Drop off to the centre for morning sports training will be either by private vehicle or public transport.
- Drop off to the complex can occur off Neild Avenue. We estimate approximately 20 - 25 cars will drop off in the mornings as most students catch public transport.
- All students will be picked up by bus and transported back to the College St campus at 8:30am
During school hours to and from the WSC
- The students are dropped off and picked up by bus and returned to the College St campus during school hours.
After school from the WSC
- The students are dropped off by bus at 3:30pm and picked up by bus and returned to the College St campus after 5:00pm.
- Parental pick up is by arrangement only and this will occur off Neild Avenue.
Parking Demand
- The utilisation timetable calculations result in 82 spaces being required for winter sports (14 Saturdays per year) and 97 spaces being required for summer sports (14 Saturdays per year).
- The parking provision has considered the overlap that occurs between students arriving and departing pre and post games. A graphical representation of the assumed development trip generation is shown below.

Construction Impacts
Construction Hours
Construction would take place according during the hours specified by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment:
- Monday to Friday – 7am to 5pm
- Saturday 7am to 1pm
To minimise the impact on neighbouring properties, the operation of high noise generating equipment and activities including hydraulic hammers, rock cutters etc would be limited to:
- Not prior to 8am Monday to Friday or 8.30am Saturdays
Where possible, percussive and concrete sawing will be carried out behind a closed façade to help reduce the noise.
If concerns are raised about noise, measurements will be taken to determine and if the equipment or activity is found to be generating noise about suitable levels, appropriate mitigations will be put in place to reduce it.
Building 1 Weigall Sports Complex

- Estimated construction period is 18 – 20 months
- Large vehicle access will be from Neild Avenue
- Smaller vehicle access will be from Vialoux Avenue
Traffic Management
Trucks will be loaded and unloaded within the site boundaries so that they are not lingering in neighbouring streets.
Delivery hours will also be limited to help manage traffic during the construction period, particularly during the school’s drop off and pickup times.
Deliveries will be outside of the following times: between 8:00am to 9:30am and 2:30pm to 4:00pm on school days.
During excavation, the site will be watered, and wheel washers used on trucks to minimise the amount of dust generated from construction activities.
A dilapidation report of neighbouring properties will be undertaken prior to the works commencing and reviewed through the construction process and upon completion.
Noise and vibration monitors will provided for neighbouring properties and checked for any exceedances for equipment used during construction.
Building 2 – Weigall Sports Complex Carpark

- Estimated construction period is 6 – 7 months
- All deliveries will be entry from Vialoux Avenue and exit from Alma Street
Trees and Landscaping

Frequently Asked Questions
What sports will be catered for in the new Weigall Sports Complex?
A range of different sports including swimming, water polo, basketball, fencing and taekwondo.
Are there any teaching facilities or classrooms in the new sports complex?
No - the Weigall Sports Complex is to complement Sydney Grammar’s sports offering by providing new and better facilities. The new building will not be used for teaching purposes.
Will the Weigall Sports Complex increase in the population of Sydney Grammar?
No, the population of Sydney Grammar has been stable for over 20 years and the Weigall Sports Complex will not facilitate an increase in students.
When will construction start?
Sydney Grammar is in the early stages of designing the project. Consultation with the local community is underway and the Environmental Impact Statement is yet to be prepared, lodged and assessed. It is anticipated that this process could take up to 2 years, with construction programmed to commence in 2022.
How long will construction take?
Construction would take around 18 to 20 months. The community will be consulted once there is a more certain commencement date and program.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact the Weigall Sports Ground project’s Community Engagement Manager:
Lisa Chikarovski
0400 426 463